Matthew Jones

Scottish activists start Labour Briefing (Scotland)

Matthew Jones

SCOTTISH SUPPORTERS of Labour Briefing started working together in 2017 - together we organised public meetings in Glasgow and Edinburgh for Graham Bash, Jackie Walker and Mick Brooks. Comrades also attended the LRC AGM early in 2018.

We supported those at the sharp end of the witch-hunt in the Labour Party and also became the left opposition to the leadership of the Campaign for Socialism (CfS) - standing comrades for executive positions and moving resolutions against the witch-hunt at this year's AGM in Kirkcaldy.

Recently a group of comrades who had taken part in this work met in Glasgow to found a formal group Labour Briefing (Scotland). LB(S) has almost immediately been central to the campaign to defend two comrades Sandy McBurney and Colin Deans after the CfS executive alleged that posts by the comrades on the CfS Facebook page were antisemitic and expelled them from CfS, despite the fact that there is no provision for any type of disciplinary proceedings in the CfS constitution, and that the allegations lacked any foundation.

We remain, however, committed to the CfS and pledge to try to correct the errors they have made in the recent period. LB(S) is now meeting regularly in Edinburgh and Glasgow and holding national meetings roughly quarterly.

Glasgow Cathcart CLP